Pacman Music

Pacman Music

You can free download Pacman Music from the category Funny Ringtones in excellent quality for your mobile phone. Before downloading, we recommend that you listen to it using player.

Pacman Music is presented in two audio formats. For your Android phone you need mp3 version. If you have an iphone you need m4r version.

Category: Funny Ringtones
Duration: 0:10 min
Format: mp3 / m4r
Sample rate: 44.1 khz
Bitrate: 128 Kbps
Audio Size: 168 Kb
Views: 1199
Downloads: 492
Licence: This melody is intended exclusively for private use

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Download Pacman Music melody

qr code with link to the sound file: Pacman Music

Turn on the camera on your mobile device and point it at the qr code. Click the frame on the qr code and the link will open on your mobile device.

You need to connect your phone to your computer via usb. Install and open iTunes program. Then you need to download Pacman Music in m4r format and upload the file to the "Sounds" section through the iTunes interface.

  1. Download Pacman Music in mp3 format and place it in the "Ringtones" folder on your Android phone. You can do this through your PC or through the file manager app on your device.
  2. Once the ringtone is in the right folder, go to Settings > Sound & Vibration > Ringtone. Tap the "My Sounds" option, and then select the ringtone you want to set as your ringtone.
  3. Tap the plus ( + ) button, and then tap "Save".
avatar Rodolfo Rohan
Uploaded by Rodolfo Rohan on 2019-08-22 01:27:44

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